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Rana J Rodger's Artist Photo
Rana J Rodger's Artist Painting

About Rana

Rana J. Rodger was born in Kent, England. 

From an early age, I spent my days in a world of colour and form.
'I still feel that my best paintings were the ones I did at the age of three and four years old.
I sometimes look at them and connect to the magic that I felt at that time...the smell of the fat wax crayon as it slid across the page...the wonderful surprise when pink met blue...or blue met green...the excitement I felt as the page began to fill with circles, lines and dots.'

I left home at an early age and went travelling with a sketchbook.
At age 18 I was greatly inspired by  Native American art, culture and philosophy.
This was the start of a spiritual journey that continues today;
In Australia, my understanding of indigenous culture was further embellished. I spent eight months in the outback inspired by the energies of a sacred cave, making  pigments and experimenting with different media.


'There was a whole year when I spent practically every day experimenting with texture, colour and hue. There were days of frustration when I felt I was just making a load of mess and not getting anywhere or achieving any results...but where was there to get to anyway?


In France, I discovered a wonderful blue pigment and spent months just playing with the colour blue. I couldn't stop. Blue was taking me on a journey. I never imagined there could be so many different tones and facets to a colour.

I had rediscovered the delight and satisfaction I had found as a small child.'

You can see some of these paintings in the

'Rana's work is vibrant and rich in colour and texture, touching universal themes and something primal within us all and the true motive is to bring a sense of positivity and optimism to this world'.

I currently lives in SW France where I am guardian of a nature retreat and have my studio. I also hold creativity retreats for those with those who wish to access their hidden creativity or think that they cannot paint. By sharing the techniques and inspirations I have gathered over the years I help others to find their inner artist.

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